ISRO launches 31 satellites with Cartosat-2

                ISRO launches 31 satellites along with Cartosat-2

The Indian Space Research Organisation  on 12 January 2018 launch 31 satellites along with Cartosat-2 satellite on its 44.4-meter tall Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C40) rocket. The rocket was launch from Sriharikota, at Andhra Pradesh.

Cartosat-2 satellites
 Cartosat-2 satellites
The 320-tone rocket will place the satellites one-by-one and deploy them in-to the earth's lower orbit. The entire lift off process along with the process of placing the satellites in 2 orbits will take the satellite 2 hours and 21 minutes. It will be the longest flight time of the PSLV C40.

PSLV-C40 is successfully placed and the Cartosat-2 series satellite into sun synchronous orbit.

 Cartosat-2 satellites
 Cartosat-2 satellites

 Satellites launched :-

• Among 31 satellites, 3 satellites belong to India and 28 are of six other countries.

• The 28 other satellites  from Canada, or Finland, France, South Korea,or the United Kingdom , the United States.

• The Indian satellites are 710 kg Cartosat-2 series, a 100 kg micro satellite and a 5 kg nano satellite and the total weight of all 31 satellites is 1323 kg.

Cartosat 2 Satellite :-

The PSLV-C40 rocket carried India's 100th satellite, Cartosat 2, a surveillance satellite.

• The  international customer 28satellites were launched as part of the commercial arrangements between ISRO and its commercial arm 'Antrix Corporation Ltd'.

• The Cartosat-2 satellite launch is a follow-on mission with the primary objective of providing high resolution scene specific spot imageries.

• Cartosat will beam high-quality images for cartographic, urban and rural applications, coastal land use and utility management.

• It weighs 710 kg and is the heaviest satellite that the PSLV has carried till now.

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